Le Soleil et la Lune en franc-maçonnerie : un symbolisme universel ?

The Sun and Moon in Freemasonry : a universal symbolism ?

Among the Masonic symbols that are not taken directly from the symbolism of the builders, the Sun and Moon occupy a special place in Freemasonry. They can of course be...
April 08, 2024
Qu’est-ce que la franc-maçonnerie ?

What is Freemasonry ?

What is Freemasonry ? This apparently simple and even elementary question is asked by many, in the profane world (i.e. by those who are not Freemasons), but also and more...
April 01, 2024
La Voûte en franc-maçonnerie

The Vault in Freemasonry

As Freemasonry is based on the tradition of the builders, and therefore on architectural symbolism, it would be surprising if Masonic rituals did not in some way address the Vault...
March 26, 2024
Les origines du Rite de Memphis-Misraïm

Les origines du Rite de Memphis-Misraïm

Peu de Rites maçonniques sont entourés d’une telle aura légendaire que le Rite de Memphis-Misraïm, au point qu’il est à peu près impossible à qui n’effectue des recherches sérieuses d’en...
March 19, 2024
La lettre G

La lettre G

Le symbole inattendu du Trois et de l’Équerre En franc-maçonnerie, on utilise beaucoup de lettres, qui figurent souvent sur les décors maçonniques (tabliers, sautoirs, cordons…), les tapis de loge et...
March 19, 2024
L’Équerre et le Compas

L’Équerre et le Compas

L’Équerre et le Compas sont indéniablement les symboles maçonniques les plus connus dans le grand public. Associés, ces deux outils figurent souvent sur les portes ou les frontons des Loges...
March 19, 2024
Le Rite Suédois

The Swedish Rite

The Swedish Rite is little known to Freemasons in most parts of the world, but it is the most common in the Nordic countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland....
March 18, 2024
Qu’est-ce que la Rose-Croix ?

What is the Rose Croix ?

One myth that has had an incomparable and lasting destiny in esoteric circles is that of the Rose Croix (also spelled Rose Cross or Rosycross). Books devoted to the Rose...
March 11, 2024
Signification et origine de la Croix Templière

Significance and origin of the Templar Cross

The Templar Cross is a symbol well known to all history enthusiasts, but also to many esoteric and traditional organisations, including Freemasonry. Is then the Templar Cross a Masonic symbol...
February 28, 2024
La symbolique des gants en franc-maçonnerie

The symbolism of gloves in Freemasonry

All the elements of Masonic clothing have a symbolic dimension in Freemasonry, and are not only for aesthetic reasons. One of the first things we say to new initiates in...
February 19, 2024
La symbolique du cercle en franc-maconnerie

The symbolism of the circle in Freemasonry

The symbolism of the circle in Freemasonry is not immediately obvious, but it is certainly present, often suggested rather than explicitly stated. It is true that in Freemasonry, we are...
February 14, 2024
Histoire du Grand Orient de France - Deuxième partie (1815-1848)

History of the Grand Orient of France - Part Two (1815-1848)

The Grand Orient of France under the Restoration (1815-1830) The fallacious theories of the Jesuit Augustin Barruel (known as "l'Abbé Barruel", 1741-1820), which portrayed Freemasonry as the instigator of the...
February 09, 2024