Feminine Grand Lodge of France (GLFF)





Feminine Grand Lodge of France (GLFF) : Emblem of Feminine Freemasonry


The Grande Loge Féminine de France (GLFF) is the largest women's Masonic obedience in France, founded in 1946 under the name of Feminine Masonic Union of France, and which became the Feminine Grand Lodge of France in 1952. It stands out for its commitment to traditional Masonic values while promoting the place and role of women in society. The GLFF is a pillar of women's Freemasonry, with an approach that combines spirituality, philosophical reflection and social action.


Foundation and origins

The origins of the GLFF lie in the demand by women to be admitted to Freemasonry, which began at the end of the 19th century and had already given rise to the Co-masonry "Le Droit Humain". After a first attempt in 1936, which was quickly interrupted by the Second World War, the Feminine Grand Lodge of France officially emerged in 1946, the result of the desire of women masons to create an independent structure dedicated exclusively to the practice of women's masonry. This initiative met a need for autonomy and affirmation in a predominantly male Masonic world.

Principles and Values

Ethical and Spiritual Commitment

The GLFF is founded on the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, promoting an ideal of personal and collective improvement. It encourages the search for truth, respect for diversity of belief and ethical commitment, while respecting secularism.

Social action and solidarity

The GLFF is involved in numerous solidarity actions and social initiatives aimed at improving the status of women and combating all forms of injustice and discrimination. It regularly organises conferences and events open to the public to raise awareness of current issues.

Organisation and operation

Structure and Autonomy

The GLFF is organised into autonomous lodges throughout France and abroad. Each lodge operates independently while respecting the rules and guidelines defined by the obedience. This structure encourages a wide diversity of approaches and thinking within the obedience.

Mixed and interobediential relations

Although the GLFF is an exclusively female obedience, it maintains fraternal relations with other obediences, both male and female, in France and abroad. It plays an active role in Masonic dialogue and cooperation, helping to enrich the Masonic landscape with its unique feminine perspective.

Recognition and Influence

Influence and Recognition

The GLFF is widely recognised both nationally and internationally for its seriousness, commitment and the quality of its initiatory work. It is a member of several international Masonic bodies, where it represents the voice of women's Freemasonry.

Cultural and social impact

The GLFF has a significant impact on French society, promoting values of tolerance, solidarity and equality. Through its positions and actions, it contributes to public debate on the major issues of our time, affirming the relevance of the Masonic approach in today's world.


The Feminine Grand Lodge of France embodies a living force in Freemasonry, highlighting the essential role of women in spiritual, ethical and social development. Through its history, values and commitment, the GLFF continues to blaze a trail of emancipation and reflection, contributing to a fairer and more harmonious future.