Light and Sounds - Freemasonry and music

22.00 €


Light and Sounds - Freemasonry and music

Freemasonry - eBook Edition

Author: JP Thomas

The idea of merging Freemasonry and Music generally brings to mind Mozart. However, the divine composer of The Magic Flute too often acts astree that hides the forest. The history of music in France shows, in fact, that there were other Masonic composers, and even composers who, without being Masons themselves, were inspired by Masonic symbolism. The purpose of this essay is to look at a poorly understood aspect of musical creativity and therefore to help raise awareness of this aspect of the practice of royal art in France, it is about men as works, in particular certain forgotten operas. And this, while offering, not only a reflection on the relations, closer than one imagines, between the Light, which is unique, and the sounds, which are numerous, but also by offering a biographical repertoire of the main mason musicians, French by birth or adoption.

 Authors biography

Essayist and literary critic, the author has published more than twenty books, including a Guide to the effigies of Paris (H), a biography of conventional Bertrand Barère (Desjonquères), another of Louis XV's banker, Jean- Joseph de Laborde, (Perrin), a double portrait of the Regent and Cardinal Dubois, l'Art de l'Ambiguïté (Payot), a critical edition of the Mémoires de Barras (Mercure de France), as well as several works of political history which earned him the Claude Bertault Prize from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and the Hugues Capet Prize 2004. At the same time, a specialist in Scottish Freemasonry and, as such, collaborator of the review Points de vue initiés, where he is responsible for the historical chronicle, he was one of the co-authors, in 2015, of the History of the Grande Loge de France according to the archives (Volum Éditions).

  • Language : French


Number of pages





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