Does the spirituality of Freemasonry still have a meaning in today's world?
Does the spirituality of Freemasonry still have a meaning in today's world?
Freemasonry - eBook Edition
Author :
In the world we live in, a technical world where communication is becoming more and more virtual with our television screens, videoconferences, computers, laptops, i-pad and i-phone ; where today human relationships are done more through the web and social networks ; where the speech essentially passes through the filter
emails, texts and chats ; what becomes of the spirituality of the man who, in order to escape the banality of his daily life, only has cathode ray monitors to inform himself about the news, the filmography of superheroes like Superman, Spiderman, Luke Skywalker , Harry Potter or Frodo for distraction, or meta-universe avatars to project or identify with exemplary beings ?
At a time when the spirituality of religions is watering down, disappearing or, on the contrary, being radicalized ; in a time when we are striving to distort the spirit of secularism, is it not folly to seek to promote a spirituality of the mind and of the heart for all ?
In an environment where you have to show yourself, where social exteriorization and appearance are the prerogatives of societies of appearance, is there any sense in wanting to exalt a Masonic spirituality that focuses on the interiority of the? being, his universal singularity, his life project, the orientation he gives him, the sacredness of his existence, his future, his personal destiny within the framework of a love that he shares with others and that he wishes to extend to all mankind ? Even worse ! How, in current modernity, can we still be interested in myths, archetypes and rites ? What good is all this !
well ! I will answer and I will demonstrate in this book that Masonic spirituality is more useful than ever since, by the exemplarity it offers, it leads us to transcend our human condition ; and, by going beyond it by way of improvement, it allows us to sublimate it ...
- Language : French
Number of pages |
132 |
9782366321012 |
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