Les Degrés Cryptiques

The Cryptic Degrees

The Cryptic Degrees, also known as the Royal and Select Masters, are some of the many higher degrees that narrate the Masonic legend of the Temple of Solomon. The Cryptic...
September 30, 2024
L’Ordre de la Croix Rouge de Constantin

The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine

Freemasonry not only preserves the legacy of the Masonic brotherhoods of the Middle Ages, it also commemorates the orders of chivalry. The Knights Templar come immediately to mind, particularly in...
September 23, 2024
L’Ordre Royal d’Écosse

The Royal Order of Scotland

Have you heard of the Royal Order of Scotland ? If you live in an Anglo-Saxon country, you probably do. But if you live in a Latin country, it's less...
September 16, 2024
Les tabliers du Rite Standard d’Écosse

The Aprons of the Royal Standard of Scotland

You may have come across Brethren in a Lodge wearing strange aprons, edged in tartan rather than plain. These are Freemasons practising the Royal Standard of Scotland. Why do the...
June 24, 2024
Le Rite de Schroeder

The Schroeder Rite

The Schroeder Rite is relatively unknown throughout the world. It was developed in Germany from 1795 and adopted by the Grand Lodge of Hamburg in 1801 (some sources say 1811).  It...
May 27, 2024
Qu’est-ce que la Maçonnerie de la Marque ?

What is Mark Masonry ?

Mark Masonry is an independent Order of Freemasonry, which is conferred on Master Masons but actually deepens the degree of Fellowcraft. Mark Masonry is relatively unknown on the European continent,...
May 20, 2024
Rite d'York, Francs-Maçons Américains

The York Rite

Little known to European Freemasons, the York Rite is the most widely practised by Blue Lodges in the United States, to the extent that it is sometimes referred to simply...
April 29, 2024
Les origines du Rite de Memphis-Misraïm

Les origines du Rite de Memphis-Misraïm

Peu de Rites maçonniques sont entourés d’une telle aura légendaire que le Rite de Memphis-Misraïm, au point qu’il est à peu près impossible à qui n’effectue des recherches sérieuses d’en...
March 19, 2024
Le Rite Suédois

The Swedish Rite

The Swedish Rite is little known to Freemasons in most parts of the world, but it is the most common in the Nordic countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland....
March 18, 2024
Les différents visages de l’Arche Royale anglo-saxonne

The different faces of the Anglo-Saxon Royal Arch Degree

The Holy Royal Arch is specific to Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry, and is practised in slightly different ways in England, Scotland, Ireland and America. The Royal Arch is less widespread in continental...
January 24, 2024
Le Rite Français "Groussier"

The French Rite "Groussier"

Nowadays, the term "French Rite" refers to several Masonic Rites, such as the Traditional French Rite, the Restored Modern French Rite, the Philosophical French Rite, the Ancient Observant French Rite...
December 27, 2023
Le Rite Anglais Style Emulation, ou Rite Emulation

The English Emulation Working

Relatively unknown to continental European Freemasons, the Emulation Working is one of the current working styles used by the United Grand Lodge of England. The Emulation Working is also used...
November 29, 2023