L’Ordre de l’Étoile Orientale (Eastern Star)

The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is an appendant body to Freemasonry open to both men and women. Originating in the United States, the Eastern Star has spread throughout...
August 27, 2024
Qui sont les Shriners ?

Who are the Shriners ?

The Shriners. For many Europeans, including Freemasons, the name of this para-Masonic order does not evoke much. The same cannot be said of the Shriners in the United States, where...
August 18, 2024
Les Officiers de la Loge Maçonnique

Masonic Lodge Officers

A Masonic Lodge is led by Officers. This term is sometimes surprising because it is not used much in everyday language and seems to be reserved for the army and...
July 08, 2024
Le Secret en franc-maçonnerie

Secret in Freemasonry

One subject that has caused a lot of ink to flow is the Secret in Freemasonry. The idea that there is a Secret in Freemasonry is often intriguing, sometimes disturbing,...
June 10, 2024
L’origine du Mot MB en franc-maçonnerie

The origin of the Word MB in Freemasonry

In Freemasonry, the Master's Word was originally a MB word, i.e. a word in two parts, the first of which begins with M and the second with B. These initials...
May 07, 2024
La mort en franc-maçonnerie

Death in Freemasonry

Death seems to be omnipresent in Freemasonry. Many Masonic regalia and ritual accessories are adorned with a skull and two crossed tibias, particularly at the Master Mason degree. Is this...
April 22, 2024
Le Banquet maçonnique

The Masonic Banquet

This detail is often overlooked by the profanes, but the Masonic Banquet, in its various forms and names, is an integral part of Freemasons' practices, to the extent that it...
April 15, 2024
Le Soleil et la Lune en franc-maçonnerie : un symbolisme universel ?

The Sun and Moon in Freemasonry : a universal symbolism ?

Among the Masonic symbols that are not taken directly from the symbolism of the builders, the Sun and Moon occupy a special place in Freemasonry. They can of course be...
April 08, 2024
La Voûte en franc-maçonnerie

The Vault in Freemasonry

As Freemasonry is based on the tradition of the builders, and therefore on architectural symbolism, it would be surprising if Masonic rituals did not in some way address the Vault...
March 26, 2024
La lettre G

La lettre G

Le symbole inattendu du Trois et de l’Équerre En franc-maçonnerie, on utilise beaucoup de lettres, qui figurent souvent sur les décors maçonniques (tabliers, sautoirs, cordons…), les tapis de loge et...
March 19, 2024
L’Équerre et le Compas

L’Équerre et le Compas

L’Équerre et le Compas sont indéniablement les symboles maçonniques les plus connus dans le grand public. Associés, ces deux outils figurent souvent sur les portes ou les frontons des Loges...
March 19, 2024
Qu’est-ce que la Rose-Croix ?

What is the Rose Croix ?

One myth that has had an incomparable and lasting destiny in esoteric circles is that of the Rose Croix (also spelled Rose Cross or Rosycross). Books devoted to the Rose...
March 11, 2024