Tarot et franc-maçonnerie - Nos Colonnes

Tarot and Freemasonry

Tarot and Freemasonry, two traditions with deep roots in the Western tradition, fascinate us with their rich symbolism. Although they are two very different realities, the Tarot and Freemasonry share...
March 17, 2025
Le calendrier maçonnique - Nos Colonnes

The Masonic Calendar

All Freemasons will have noticed that Freemasonry follows a specific calendar, known as the Masonic Calendar. This calendar is mainly used for ritual purposes and to date the minutes of...
February 03, 2025
Hiram et le Père Noël - Nos Colonnes

Hiram and Father Christmas/Santa Claus

Do you believe in Father Christma/Santa Claus? And do you believe in Hiram? Strange questions at first glance, but not so much on closer inspection. Hiram and Father Christmas/Santa Claus...
December 23, 2024
L’Acacia en franc-maçonnerie - Nos Colonnes

Acacia in Freemasonry

In addition to the working tools borrowed from operative masons' tradition, reminiscences of the Temple of Solomon, such as the B and J columns, and the Pythagorean emblem of the...
November 25, 2024
Les Cinq Cartouches du grade de Compagnon - Nos Colonnes

The Five Cartouches of the Fellowcraft Degree

The Five Cartouches that appear at the reception ceremony of the Fellowcraft degree will not necessarily appeal to Anglo-Saxon or Nordic Freemasons, but it is a commonplace for a large...
November 18, 2024
Origine et signification de la canne du Maître des Cérémonies - Nos Colonnes

Origin and meaning of the Director of Ceremonies' cane

Each time the Director of Ceremonies moves ritually around the Lodge, he carries a cane, which he must hold in his right hand. This applies to almost all Masonic workings,...
November 04, 2024
Hiram et Halloween - Nos Colonnes

Hiram and Halloween

Halloween is only a few days away and our shops and streets are already overflowing with pumpkins, skulls, skeletons and all manner of ghoulish and morbid displays, often inspired by...
October 28, 2024
L’Ordre de l’Étoile Orientale (Eastern Star) - Nos Colonnes

The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is an appendant body to Freemasonry open to both men and women. Originating in the United States, the Eastern Star has spread throughout...
August 27, 2024
Qui sont les Shriners ? - Nos Colonnes

Who are the Shriners ?

The Shriners. For many Europeans, including Freemasons, the name of this para-Masonic order does not evoke much. The same cannot be said of the Shriners in the United States, where...
August 18, 2024
Les Officiers de la Loge Maçonnique - Nos Colonnes

Masonic Lodge Officers

A Masonic Lodge is led by Officers. This term is sometimes surprising because it is not used much in everyday language and seems to be reserved for the army and...
July 08, 2024
Le Secret en franc-maçonnerie - Nos Colonnes

Secret in Freemasonry

One subject that has caused a lot of ink to flow is the Secret in Freemasonry. The idea that there is a Secret in Freemasonry is often intriguing, sometimes disturbing,...
June 10, 2024
L’origine du Mot MB en franc-maçonnerie - Nos Colonnes

The origin of the Word MB in Freemasonry

In Freemasonry, the Master's Word was originally a MB word, i.e. a word in two parts, the first of which begins with M and the second with B. These initials...
May 07, 2024