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Geometry in Freemasonry
"No one enters here who is not a Geometer !" This was the sentence Plato had inscribed on the pediment of his school, the Academy. And Freemasonry could put the...
The "Board" in French-speaking Freemasonry
So many Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts have shuddered at the thought of having to "board" ("plancher" in French, i.e. giving a presentation in front of the Lodge). Bad memories of...
Could the Masonic Trowel be a symbol of political origin?
While many working tools, such as the Square, the Compass, the Rule, the Mallet, the Chisel, the Level, the Perpendicular..., are featured in all Masonic rituals, one tool rarely appears:...
The Swords in Freemasonry
For many European Freemasons, Masonic swords are a normal and omnipresent part of their rituals. In some Rites (Traditional French Rite, Rectified Scottish Rite, etc.), all Master Masons bear swords...
Justice and Freemasonry
Justice is a philosophical, moral, legal and social concept inherent in all human organisations. Every group has its own idea of the rules that need to be respected in order...
Masonic Collars and Sashes
While the Apron is the specific clothing of a Freemason, from the degree of Master Mason onwards, the Collars and Sashes take on great importance in the Masonic Regalia. A...
Les Arts Libéraux et l’Art Royal
Les Arts Libéraux apparaissent dans les rituels maçonniques au cours du XIXe siècle et sont depuis lors découverts par le futur Compagnon lors de ses voyages symboliques dans la plupart...
Les Lacs d'Amour : Origines, symbolisme et signification
De nombreux objets maçonniques sont ornés d’un motif symbolique nommé Lacs d’Amour. C’est notamment le cas des Tapis de Loge des deux premiers grades, mais l’on retrouve également ce motif...
L'Arbre de vie Sephiroth Kabbale
Découvrez le mystérieux symbole de l'Arbre de Vie Sephiroth, une représentation sacrée de l'univers selon la Kabbale et utilisée dans diverses traditions ésotériques. Dans notre nouvel article sur le blog...
The Level in Freemasonry
While the Perpendicular - symbolic working tool of the Junior Warden - mainly concerns the Entered Apprentice, who needs to understand verticality and discover his own verticality, the Level is...
Les Tarots maconniques
Le tarot maçonnique est une variante spécifique du tarot qui est utilisée dans certaines traditions maçonniques. Il existe plusieurs systèmes de tarot maçonnique, mais ils partagent généralement certaines caractéristiques communes...
The Perpendicular in Freemasonry
The Perpendicular appears from the beginning of the Entered Apprentice's journey. If the Entered Apprentice's tools are traditionally the mallet and the chisel (sometimes with the 24-inch ruler), the Perpendicular...