Les Degrés Cryptiques

The Cryptic Degrees

The Cryptic Degrees, also known as the Royal and Select Masters, are some of the many higher degrees that narrate the Masonic legend of the Temple of Solomon. The Cryptic...
September 30, 2024
L’Ordre de la Croix Rouge de Constantin

The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine

Freemasonry not only preserves the legacy of the Masonic brotherhoods of the Middle Ages, it also commemorates the orders of chivalry. The Knights Templar come immediately to mind, particularly in...
September 23, 2024
L’Ordre Royal d’Écosse

The Royal Order of Scotland

Have you heard of the Royal Order of Scotland ? If you live in an Anglo-Saxon country, you probably do. But if you live in a Latin country, it's less...
September 16, 2024
Shaquille O’Neal, un franc-maçon de Prince Hall

Shaquille O'Neal, a Prince Hall Mason

If you love basketball, you'll know Shaquille O'Neal, nicknamed Shaq. Standing 2.16 metres tall, weighing 147 kilograms and wearing a size 63 shoe, Shaquille O'Neal is one of the heaviest...
September 09, 2024
Laura Ingalls-Wilder ou Le Petit Chapitre dans la Prairie

Laura Ingalls-Wilder, or Little Chapter on the Prairie

Who doesn't know the Little House on the Prairie series, which has moved so many homes since 1974 ? Who has forgotten the lessons in humanity that Charles Ingalls taught...
September 02, 2024
L’Ordre de l’Étoile Orientale (Eastern Star)

The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is an appendant body to Freemasonry open to both men and women. Originating in the United States, the Eastern Star has spread throughout...
August 27, 2024
Qui sont les Shriners ?

Who are the Shriners ?

The Shriners. For many Europeans, including Freemasons, the name of this para-Masonic order does not evoke much. The same cannot be said of the Shriners in the United States, where...
August 18, 2024
Le Temple de Detroit, le plus grand Temple maçonnique du Monde

The Temple of Detroit, the largest Masonic Temple in the world

Have you ever wondered which is the largest Masonic temple in the world ? Accustomed to the architectural gigantism of the Americans since the end of the 19th century, you'd...
August 12, 2024
Le mystérieux Chevalier de Ramsay

The mysterious Andrew Michael Ramsay

What Freemason has not heard the name of Andrew Michael Ramsay ? Ramsay and his famous speech (actually, his two speeches) are an essential part of Masonic mythology.  Have you...
August 05, 2024
Le Droit Humain

International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women "Le Droit Humain”

Although still in the minority, mixed Freemasonry is well established throughout the world, especially in Europe. There are many co-Masonic bodies, including, of course, the "Droit Humain", and even the...
July 29, 2024
Le Temple Maçonnique de Londres

Freemasons' Hall London

The Freemasons' Hall in London, located at 60 Great Queen Street, not far from Covent Garden, is one of the most iconic Masonic buildings in the world. The Freemasons' Hall...
July 22, 2024
Le Temple Maçonnique de Philadelphie

Philadelphia Masonic Temple

While in continental Europe Masonic lodges are generally accustomed to meeting in discreet places where there is nothing to distinguish them from the outside world, apart from the occasional square...
July 15, 2024