La Croix Ankh et la franc-maçonnerie

The Ankh Cross and Freemasonry

Popularised by the counter-culture of the 1960s, the Ankh Cross is well known today, both in esoteric circles and among followers of Gothic culture, for whom it is often associated...
February 07, 2024
Histoire du Grand Orient de France - Première partie (1728-1815)

History of the Grand Orient of France - Part One (1728-1815)

Everyone has heard of the Grand Orient of France. The oldest and largest Masonic Obedience in France, the Grand Orient of France is a major institution with considerable influence throughout...
February 02, 2024
Le Temple en franc-maçonnerie

The Temple in Freemasonry

The theme of the Temple is fundamental to Freemasonry, whose aim is often described as building the Temple of Humanity. But which Temple are we talking about ? The symbol...
January 31, 2024
La Grande Loge de France, deux Obédiences pour un seul nom

The Grand Lodge of France, two Obediences under a single name

The name "Grand Lodge of France" can lead to confusion, because it refers to two distinct French Masonic Obediences, which have no immediate connection. Of course, nowadays the name Grand...
January 26, 2024
Les différents visages de l’Arche Royale anglo-saxonne

The different faces of the Anglo-Saxon Royal Arch Degree

The Holy Royal Arch is specific to Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry, and is practised in slightly different ways in England, Scotland, Ireland and America. The Royal Arch is less widespread in continental...
January 24, 2024
La Pierre en franc-maçonnerie

The Stones in Freemasonry

Freemasonry, which is based on the symbolism of the Builders, could not ignore the Stone, which is, along with wood, the fundamental material for the construction of the Temple, according...
January 17, 2024
Le Pavé Mosaïque en franc-maçonnerie

The Mosaic Pavement in Freemasonry

The centre of the Masonic Lodge, and sometimes the entire floor, is covered with a checkerboard-shaped paving known as the Mosaic Pavement. It is made up of alternating black and...
January 08, 2024
Les Tapis de Loge

Les Tapis de Loge

Utilité et origine Le Tapis de Loge, appelé aussi Tableau ou Tracé de Loge, est un élément central du rituel maçonnique, ne serait-ce que parce qu’il est le plus souvent placé...
January 05, 2024
La Géométrie en franc-maçonnerie

Geometry in Freemasonry

"No one enters here who is not a Geometer !" This was the sentence Plato had inscribed on the pediment of his school, the Academy. And Freemasonry could put the...
January 03, 2024
Le Rite Français "Groussier"

The French Rite "Groussier"

Nowadays, the term "French Rite" refers to several Masonic Rites, such as the Traditional French Rite, the Restored Modern French Rite, the Philosophical French Rite, the Ancient Observant French Rite...
December 27, 2023
Origines et rayonnement de la Grande Loge Féminine de France

Origines et rayonnement de la Grande Loge Féminine de France

La Grande Loge Féminine de France a l’insigne privilège d’avoir été la première Obédience maçonnique exclusivement féminine de toute l’histoire. Si les femmes avaient déjà eu accès de plein droit...
December 22, 2023
La Planche en franc-maçonnerie

The "Board" in French-speaking Freemasonry

So many Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts have shuddered at the thought of having to "board" ("plancher" in French, i.e. giving a presentation in front of the Lodge). Bad memories of...
December 20, 2023